Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Blog #3

Blog #3 (3/5/2014)

 set up for first experiment pressure vs temperature can experiment. The can is heated up in a hot plate with water inside the can. afterwards, the can is submerged upside down in a container with water.
 prediction on pressure vs temperature can experiment
 aftermath of can after submerging in the water. it rapidly crushed the can making our prediction true.
 second experiment setup, syringe attached on a tube and flask (not shown in picture)
 warm water at 34.0 C
room temperature water at 24 C. apparatus submerged in room temp water with 150 cc volume of gas (volume of gas in flask, syringe and tube added in)
 apparatus submerged at hot water causing the syringe to go up
 apparatus submerged in cold water causing the syringe to go down
 result of the second experiment. volume of syringe results are good since it falls with in the uncertainty of syringe at +/-0.05cc and the volume of the flask falls with the uncertainty of the flask which is +/-0.05cc. also the temperature for both hot and cold falls with the uncertainty of +/-0.2C making the results reasonable
 set up of the balloon experiment. small amount of air was blown in the balloon.
 the pressure inside the container was taken out
 machine was turned back on causing the pressure to go back in the container
my group's prediction on the balloon experiment
 set up for the marshmallow
 pressure was taken out of the container
machine was turned back on causing the pressure to go back in. notice that the marshmallow didn't go back to it's original state. it actually got smaller and formed wrinkles. also, the taste was different too since it lost most of it air (i tried it for myself).
 prediction for the marshmallow and balloon experiment
 last experiment, hot water was placed inside the cup and syringe was trying to go up but the professor was resisting the rise of the volume causing the internal energy of the gas to rise meaning that the heat of the gas is rising at a much faster rate.
prediction on the last experiment and its relation with work energy theorem.

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